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ఏపీ పదోన్నతుల కొరకు సీనియార్టీ జాబితా తయారు చేయాలని మార్గదర్శకాలు విడుదల చేసిన పాఠశాల విద్యాశాఖ.


AP పదోన్నతుల కొరకు సీనియార్టీ జాబితా తయారు చేయాలని మార్గదర్శకాలు విడుదల చేసిన పాఠశాల విద్యాశాఖ.

ఉపాధ్యాయుల పదోన్నతులు -2022 సంబంధించి విధివిధానాలను, మార్గదర్శకాలను తాజాగా విడుదల చేసిన పాఠశాల విద్యాశాఖ..

యాజమాన్యాలు వారిగా అర్హత పద్ధతిలో పదోన్నతులు చేపట్టాలని నిర్ణయం.

10/08/2022 లోపు తుది సీనియారిటీ జాబితాలు తయారు చేయాలని ఆదేశాలు..

➠➤ ప్రధానోపాధ్యాయులు మరియు స్కూల్ అసిస్టెంట్ల పోస్టులకు ప్రమోషన్లు

పూర్తిగా తాత్కాలిక ప్రాతిపదికన నిర్వహణ వారీగా చేపట్టాలి

➠➤ఆన్‌లైన్ ప్రాతిపదికన పదోన్నతులు చేపట్టాలని పాఠశాల విద్యాశాఖ నిర్ణయించింది

➠➤మండలంలోని స్కూల్ అసిస్టెంట్ల ఇంటర్‌ సీనియారిటీ ప్రిపరేషన్‌

➠➤ Govt/zp ప్రధానోపాధ్యాయులు Gr-II పోస్టుకు పదోన్నతి కోసం

జిల్లాల వారీగా స్కూల్ అసిస్టెంట్ల సీనియారిటీని సిద్ధం చేయాలి

➠➤ రెండు మేనేజ్‌మెంట్‌లలోని అసిస్టెంట్లు ప్రభుత్వ. మరియు ZP విడిగా SGTలు, PETలు, LPల పాఠశాలల జిల్లాల వారీగా సీనియారిటీని సిద్ధం చేయడం

➠➤ P.No.13273లోని గౌరవనీయమైన హైకోర్టు ఆదేశాల ప్రకారం

2012, ఎవరైనా ఉపాధ్యాయులు ఉంటే. SGTలు మరియు స్కూల్ అసిస్టెంట్లు స్వీకరించారు

జిల్లాలో 30% స్థానికేతర కోటా కింద వారి కేసులు కూడా ఉంటాయి

తదుపరి ఉన్నత పదవికి ప్రమోషన్ కోసం పరిగణనలోకి తీసుకోవాలి

➠➤ సీనియారిటీ జాబితాలన్నీ పూర్వ జిల్లాల ఆధారంగా తయారుచేయాలి

➠➤ final సీనియారిటీ జాబితా 10-08-2022 నాటికి పూర్తి చేయాలి.

➠➤అందువల్ల, పాఠశాల విద్య యొక్క అన్ని ప్రాంతీయ జాయింట్ డైరెక్టర్లు మరియు

జిల్లా విద్యాశాఖ అధికారులు పై సూచనలను పాటించాలని సూచించారు.



Present: S. Suresh Kumar, I.A.S.

Rc No ESE02-14028/1/2022-E-VI


Sub:- School Education – APESS – Promotions to the posts of

School Assistants from SGT, to the posts of Headmasters Gr-II

from the School Assistants management wise on Adhoc basis –

Guidelines – Issued.

Read:- 1. G.O.Ms.No.09 School Education, Dated.23-01-2009.

2. G.O.Ms.No.10 School Education, Dated.23-01-2009.

3. G.O.Ms.No.11 School Education, Dated.23-01-2009.

4. G.O.Ms.No.12 School Education, Dated.23-01-2009.



All the RJDSEs and DEOs in the State are informed that, it has been

decided to take up promotions for the year 2022-23 in the schools under

the managements of Government, Mandal / Zilla Parishad Schools

management wise separately on adhoc basis in the State.

The promotions to the posts of Headmasters and School Assistants

are to be taken up management wise on purely adhoc basis, as was

permitted by the Government in their Memo.No.ESE01-130231/1/2018-

SER-1-SE DEPT, Dated.21-06-2019.

Further, it has brought to the notice of the undersigned that, while

issuing promotions to the posts of School Assistants and Headmasters Gr-II

several districts are following diferent interpretations on rules during the

preparation of seniority lists and awarding the promotions which are

leading to multiple court cases.

In order to achieve the uniformity, the following Guidelines /

instructions are hereby issued.

1. The qualifcations for promotion to the posts of School Assistants and

Head Master Gr-II have been prescribed in the references 1st, 2nd,

3 rd and 4th read above in respect of teachers working in Government

schools and Zilla Praja Parishad and Mandal Praja Parishad Schools

respectively. In addition to this in respect of certain categories

certain other qualifcations were also prescribed in G.O.Ms.No.67,

Dated.26-10-2018, G.O.Ms.No.15, dated.01-02-2019 and any other

orders issued by the Government from time to time are also be

taken into consideration

2. For the purpose of promotions to the posts of Headmasters Gr-II in

Government / ZP managements the seniority of the school assistants

working in the zone / district shall be taken into consideration duly

following Rules 33 & 34 of APSSS 1996.

3. The Rule of Reservation as prescribed at Rule 22 in A.P. State

Subordinate Service Rules are to be followed scrupulously in respect

of promotions.

4. The seniority of the persons in the respective posts shall be based

on date of regularization and approval of probation period duly

considering the date of joining in the feeder post.

5. The posts of School Assistants in both managements (Govt & Zilla

Parishad) shall have to be taken for the purpose of promotion

leaving the posts earmarked i.e. one third for the direct recruitment.

6. The minimum service required for efecting promotion to any posts

shall be two years of regular service in the feeder category as per


7. The instructions issued by the Government in their Circular

Memo.N o.16/Service.A/93-39 GAD, dated.21-04-1999 shall be

followed, for determination of Inter-se-Seniority between feeder

category posts i.e. SGT, LP & PET for the promotion to the post of

School Assistant as well as the School Assistants and other feeder

category of the teachers for the promotion to the post of Head

Master Gr-II.

8. The promotes shall be allowed a joining time of 15 days to join the

new post from the date of receipt of orders.

9. The teachers who relinquished promotion earlier shall strictly be

considered only as per G.O.Ms.No.145 and all necessary entries shall

be made in the Service Register of the individual.

10.Any Seniority after three years shall not be changed / re-opened as

per the instructions of the Government issued from time to time.

11.A s per the orders of the Hon’ble High Court in W.P.No.13273 of

2012, if any teachers viz. SGTs and School Assistants absorbed

under the 30% Non Local quota in the district their cases shall also

be taken into consideration for promotion to the next higher post

basing on the Seniority of the respective cadre which was already


12.The untrained teachers service / seniority shall be counted from the

date of acquiring requisite qualifcations to hold the post.

To maintain uniformity and transparency in respect of promotions, it

has been decided to take up the promotions on on-line basis for which

requisitions from the districts are prescribed for uploading as detailed


a. Preparation of seniority lists, category wise duly following the Rule

33 & 34 of APSSS 1996.

b. Preparation of seniority strictly based on the qualifcations

prescribed for each post as per rules issued and other orders


c. Preparation of Inter-se-Seniority of the School Assistants in the ZONE

for promotion to the post of Headmasters Gr-II in Govt. Managament


d. Preparation of district wise Seniority of the School Assistants for

promotion to the post of Headmasters Gr-II in ZP Management


e. Preparation of district wise Seniority of the SGTs, PETs, LPs School

Assistants in both managements Govt. and ZP separately.

f. All seniority lists are to be prepared based on erstwhile district as

unit of appointment.

Therefore, all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and

District Educational Ofcers are instructed to follow the above instructions

and fnal seniority list shall be completed by 10-08-2022 Any deviation in

following the guidelines and instructions by any responsible ofcer will be

taken to task for implementing the disciplinary procedures.

The above instructions shall be followed scrupulously.

Muvva Ramalingam


education for all

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